Privatization Proposals
This page chronicles the 2005 effort to “reform” the Social Security retirement, disability and survivor programs through privatization and related proposals.

Date of latest page update: 7/3/05

NOSSCR Articles:

Other Reports & Resources:

  • Uncharted Waters: Paying Benefits from Individual Accounts in Federal Retirement Policy - National Academy of Social Insurance (1/26/05)

  • The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has developed a chart that shows the states with the greatest share of Social Security disability benefits and survivors benefits. [PDF]

  • Individual EPI state data sheets are also available.

  • The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) has published a report that shows how older individuals have been lifted out of poverty, including state-by-state data.

  • For additional CBPP analysis of Social Security privatization, Click Here.

Congressional Action: