NOSSCR Acronym List

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

AACTAbbreviated Acount query - Title II
AAJAdministrative Appeals Judge - AC adjudicator
ACAppeals Council
ACEAverage Current Earnings - factor used in WC offset calculation
ADLActivities of Daily Living
AIAged Individual - Title XVI
ALJAdministrative Law Judge
AMEAgreed Medical Examiner - WC term
AMEAverage Monthly Earnings - benefit calculation factor
AODAlleged Onset of Disability or Alleged Onset Date
ARAcquiescence Ruling
AUSAAssistant U.S. Attorney
BHABureau of Hearings and Appeals - former name of ODAR
BOBranch Office - sub-office of a DO
BWOBlind Work Expenses
CABCivil Actions Branch of AC
CDBChildhood Disability Benefits - Title II
CEConsulative Examination or Examiner
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CIBChild's Insurance Benefits - Title II
COBRAComprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
COLACost of Living Adjustment
DAADrug Addiction and/or Alcoholism
DACDisabled Adult Child - Title II
DEDDisability Evaluation Division - the state agency
DEQYDetailed Earnings Query - Title II
DDSDisability Determination Service - the state agency
DHHSDepartment of Health and Human Services - former SSA parent agency
DIDisabled Individual - Title XVI
DIBDisability Insurance Benefits - Title II
DISMSame as DSM, the preferred acronym
DISMDisability Insurance State Manual
DIWCDisabled Individual, Worker or Child - Title II claim type
DJDistrict Judge
DLIDate Last Insured - Title II disability insured status
DLMDate Last Met - same as DLI
DODistrict Office - local SSA field office
DOBDate Of Birth
DOEDate Of Entitlement - Title II
DOTDictionary of Occupational Titles
DSMDiagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
EAJAEqual Access to Justice Act
EODEstablished Onset of Disability
EPEExtended Period of Eligibility - Title II
EREarnings Record
FBMFirst Benefit Month
FBRFederal Benefit Rate - Title XVI
FIBFather's Insurance Benefits - Title II
FMAXFamily Maximum - Title II benefit limit
FOField Office - a DO or a BO
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
GLPSCGreat Lakes Program Service Center - PC4
HAHearing Assistant
HALLEXHearings, Appeals and Litigation Law [Lex] - OHA policy manual
HCFAHealth Care Finance Administration - DHHS Medicare agency
HEHearing Examiner - former title of ALJ
HIAHealth Insurance, Part A - Medicare
HIBHealth Insurance, Part B - Medicare
HOCALJHearing Office Chief ALJ
HOAHearing Office Administrator
HOMHearing Office Manager
HOSAHearing Office Systems Administrator
HPIHearing Process “Improvement”
IAPInterim Assistance Program - Title XVI
IARInterim Assistance Reimbursement - Title XVI
ICDInternational Classification of Diseases
IDInitial Determination
IEPInitial Enrollment Periond - SMIB
IFAIndividualized Functional Assessment - former SSI child dib. standard
IMEIndependent Medical Examiner - WC term
IRWEImpairment-Related Work Expense
ISMIn-Kind Support & Maintenance - Title XVI
LMERLast Met Earnings Requirement - same as DLI
LPCLegal Processing Clerk
LSDPLump-Sum Death Payment
MAMedical Advisor - former title of an ME
MAMPSCMid-America Program Service Center - PC6
MATPSCMid-Atlantic Program Service Center - PC2
MBRMaster Beneficiary Record - Title II
MEMedical Expert - designated physician at OHA level
MERMedical Evidence of Record [also MEOR]
MIBMother's Insurance Benefits - Title II
MSSMedical Source Statement
NEPSCNorthEastern Program Service Center - PC1
NHNumber Holder - "Wage Earner" - Title II
OASDIOld-Age, Survivor & Disability Insurance - Title II
OCROOffice of Central Records Operations - Baltimore, MD - PC9
ODAROffice of Disability, Adjudication and Review (formerly OHA)
ODIOOffice of Disability & International Operations - Baltimore, MD - PC8
ODOOffice of Disability Operations - ODIO component - PC7
OGC Office of General Counsel
OHAOffice of Hearings and Appeals - former name of ODAR
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
OOHOccupational Outlook Handbook
OPIROffice of Program Integrity Review
PAPrivacy Act
PASSPlan to Achieve Self Support - Title XVI
PCIPayment Cycling Indicator - staggered benefit payment dates
PEPost Entitlement - Title II
PEPost Eligibility - Title XVI
PEBESPersonal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement - Title II
PIAPrimary Insurance Amount - base benefit rate
PMVPresumed Maximum Value - Title XVI income term
POMSProgram Operations Manual System - SSA claims manual
PPDPermanent Partial Disability - WC term
PPSProgram Policy Statement - SSR precursor
PRUCOLPermanent Residence Under Color Of Law
PRWPast Relevant Work
PSCProgram Service Center
QAQuality Assurance
QCQuarter of Coverage - Title II
QMBQualified Medicare Beneficiary
QMEQualified Medical Examiner - WC term
RCRegional Commissioner of SSA
RCALJRegional Chief ALJ
RFCResidual Functional Capacity
RFHRequest For Hearing
RFRRequest for Reconsideration
RIBRetirement Insurance Benefits - Title II
RMORegional Management Officer
RORegional Office - OHA management unit
RPORegional Program Officer
RRBRailroad Retirement Board
SDIState Disability Insurance
SDMSingle Decision Maker
SEPSCSouthEastern Program Service Center - PC3
SEQYSummary Earnings Query - Title II
SGASubstantial Gainful Activity
SHASupervisory Hearing Assistant
SIBSpouse's Insurance Benefits - Title II
SLMBSpecial Low-income Medicare Beneficiary
SMIBSupplemental Medical Insurance Benefits - same as HIB
SSASocial Security Administration
SSASupervisory Staff Attorney
SSDCSocial Security (Title II) and SSI (Title XVI) concurrent claim
SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance - Title II
SSISupplemental Security Income - Title XVI
SSIDSSI Disability
SSIDSSI Display - computer query
SSIRDSSI Record Display - computer query
SSLPSocial Security Law and Practice - West Group
SSPState Supplementary Payments - optional state SSI add-on
SSPGSocial Security Practice Guide - Matthew Bender
SSRSSocial Security Reporting Service - West Group
SSRSocial Security Ruling
TTDTemporary Total Disability - WC term
TWPTrial Work Period - Title II
UIUnearned Income - Title XVI
UIUnemployment Insurance
USCUnited States Code
USCAUnited States Code Annotated
UWAUnsuccessful Work Attempt
VEVocational Expert
VRVocational Rehabilitation
VTRValue of the one-Third Reduction - Title XVI
WCWorker's Compensation
WEWage Earner - Title II
WIBWidow(er)'s Insurance Benefits - Title II
WNPSCWesterN Program Service Center - PC5