NOSSCR Member Logo :: Usage and License

NOSSCR Member Logo            NOSSCR Member Logo
As a benefit of membership in the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR), members are invited to use the NOSSCR Member Logo to communicate that they are NOSSCR members. All uses of the NOSSCR Member Logo are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Grant of License
    NOSSCR grants You a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the NOSSCR Member Logo as depicted below. You may affix the NOSSCR Member Logo to your letterhead, business cards, web sites and promotional materials to indicate that You are a member of NOSSCR. You are prohibited from sublicensing or otherwise granting to any person any right to use the NOSSCR Member Logo.

  2. NOSSCR Membership Termination – Logo Removal
    When NOSSCR membership expires or is no longer valid for any reason, You must remove the NOSSCR Member Logo and any other references to NOSSCR membership from all of your materials, printed or electronic.

  3. Required Link
    All NOSSCR Member Logos used on web sites must link to the main page of the NOSSCR site, as specified below on this web page.

  4. No Alteration
    The NOSSCR Member Logo may not be altered unless a graphic of the desired alteration is submitted to the NOSSCR Executive Director for approval, and that approval is received from NOSSCR in writing.

  5. Positive Presentation
    NOSSCR logos must be displayed in a positive manner. The NOSSCR Member Logo may not be used to depict NOSSCR or any of its members, services, products, or partners in any negative way. Furthermore, the NOSSCR Member Logo may not be used in a manner that is false or misleading, violates the rights of others, violates any law, regulation, or other public policy, or mischaracterizes the relationship between You and NOSSCR.

  6. License Personal to Member; No Endorsement
    As NOSSCR is an individual membership organization, the NOSSCR Member Logo may only be used by the individual member. The NOSSCR Member Logo may not be used in any manner that suggests that an entire firm, company or other entity is a member of NOSSCR. Furthermore, the NOSSCR Member Logo may not be used in any manner that suggests an endorsement or approval by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives of any individual, company, product, or service.

  7. Ownership of NOSSCR Member Logo
    You acknowledge and agree that NOSSCR is the sole and exclusive owner of the NOSSCR Member Logo, and that You shall not take any actions which are inconsistent with NOSSCR’s ownership rights including, but not limited to, challenging NOSSCR’s rights or attempting to use or register in an unauthorized manner the NOSSCR Member Logo or any colorable imitations thereof, without advance written assurance of such endorsement or approval from NOSSCR in writing.

  8. Alternate Text (ALT) Tag
    When used on a web page, the NOSSCR Member Logos should have an alternate text (ALT) tag applied to the logo. This text must refer to NOSSCR and may not incorporate text about other organizations, inappropriate keywords, or text that would violate other sections of this Agreement. The preferred alternate text is "Click here to visit the NOSSCR web site." See the sample tag below on this web page.

  9. Usage Guideline
    This Agreement applies to the use of NOSSCR Member Logo and the logo may not be used for any purpose or an manner outside this Agreement. NOSSCR reserves the right to prohibit specific uses. The NOSSCR Executive Director may waive any of this Agreement's requirements for a specific use, and may also prohibit, at any time and with or without cause, specific uses of the NOSSCR Member Logo.

  10. Revocation and Sanctions
    Breaches of this Agreement may result in revocation of your license to use the NOSSCR Member Logo, or in some cases, legal action. In addition, breaches of this Agreement, following notice and an opportunity for compliance, may establish good cause for termination of NOSSCR membership.

  11. No Agency
    No association, agency, apparent agency, employer/employee relationship, partnership, or joint venture of any kind is created by this Agreement. NOSSCR is not responsible for Your acts or omissions, nor can You speak or act for, or otherwise legally bind, NOSSCR.

  12. Governing Law; Jurisdiction
    This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law thereunder. Exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or dispute related to this Agreement resides in federal or State court in the State of New Jersey, and You agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the State of New Jersey.

  13. Indemnification
    You hereby indemnify, defend, and hold NOSSCR, its successors and assigns, and its directors, committee members, officers, employees, members, representatives and agents, harmless from and against any and all loss, liability, damage, claim, suit, demand and expense, including, but not limited to, taxes, fines, penalties, court costs and attorneys fees, arising in connection with or related to Your acts or omissions (including, without limitation, any breach of this Agreement).

  14. Entire Agreement
    This Agreement contains the entire agreement between You and NOSSCR as to the subject matter referenced herein. No agreement, statements, or representations not contained in this Agreement shall have any force and effect.

  15. Waiver
    Either party’s waiver of, or failure to exercise, any right provided for in this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any further or future right under this Agreement.
Download the NOSSCR Member Logo:

Click this Link Text to Begin NOSSCR Member Logo

For Web Site use of the NOSSCR Member Logo:
Sample Link with alternate text
Modify image name and location to match your site

<a href="http://www.nosscr.org">
<img src="./images/nosscr-member.gif"
alt="Click to visit the NOSSCR web site" border="0"></a>